Central Bureau of Statistics finds 56,060 new homes were sold, with seven cities accounting for a third of all transactions

Quality space in the right location has become as important to a startup as a patent, say commercial real estate experts

To resolve housing crisis, government will reward 12 high-demand municipalities with cash for each apartment approved; project could add 30,000 new units in the next three years

In December alone, Israeli banks lent 12.2 billion shekels ($3.89 billion) to home buyers, says Bank of Israel

Projected structure will dwarf its three sibling Azrieli towers, rising 91 stories at height of 350 meters

With demand far outstripping supply, a little knowledge can go a long way in taking on the local residential real estate market

Central Bureau of Statistics study evaluates 52 indices like housing density and life expectancy in 16 major cities across Israel
