Diplomacy correspondent Lazar Berman speaks from a remarkably tranquil Ukraine and US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses former ambassador David Friedman's new memoir
Israeli diplomats working furiously to help countrymen out of Ukraine before threatened war with Russia, note Israel could suffer, with Ukraine a major supplier of wheat
US president calls to give diplomacy 'every chance,' but warns 'responsible nations... will not hesitate to respond' if Russia launches invasion, We 'must stand for freedom'
Moscow calls reports of imminent invasion failed 'Western war propaganda,' says it wants to talk security arrangements with NATO, but fears of war remain high
Diplomatic personnel travel to Ukraine to reinforce staff and 'prepare for the possibility' of moving to city in country's far west, near border with NATO member Poland
On-scene updates from Manama and Kyiv, plus Sen. Lindsey Graham in the Holy Land and does a new Dead Sea tourist attraction green-wash the shrinking natural wonder?
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