Spacecraft, named for Israeli scientist Reuven Ramaty, produces brilliant flash over bombarded Ukrainian city, days after US space agency warned retired craft would fall Wednesday
Israeli fund eyes investments in early-stage startups in areas of semiconductors, robotics, sensors, smart farms, quantum computing, solar power and cybersecurity
Senior defense officials reportedly fear 4iG's purchase of majority stake in Spacecom, the operator of the AMOS, could undermine one of Israel's most important strategic tools
Shares surge in Tel Aviv, following news of the signing of a non-binding letter of intent for acquisition of 51% stake for NIS 215 million ($66 million)
SatGuard uses AI, big data and machine learning technologies to analyze satellites' operations and fix anomalies; tech stems from IAI Innovation Center accelerator program
Apparent launch of projectile from orbiter viewed with deep suspicion by Pentagon and analysts, though Moscow claims vehicle was simply maneuvering to inspect satellite
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