The racquet game is slowly gaining local fans, and so too are walking football and Mamanet, as mature Israelis seek out team sports that are easier on the joints

Ahead of her 100th birthday, tech-savvy Muriel Mandell teaches fellow seniors photo editing, animation and word processing, and is still a prolific reviewer of children's books

Danny Yatom, also a former Labor MK, begins process of registering party, which will focus on issues relating to senior citizens

Keeping busy despite a ban on visitors, residents of Sydmar Lodge recreate famous images of musical artists such as Madonna, Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie, and Elvis Presley

Some 1,500 people joined original Hebrew language course launched by three Jerusalem social entrepreneurs to help elderly keep in touch during COVID-19 lockdown

Over two weeks, more than 1,000 join free course designed by 3 social entrepreneurs that aims to help elderly keep in touch during coronavirus; plans to launch English version soon

Those in nursing homes are under lockdown and at risk of contagion, while those at home pass the time as best they can cut off from family, friends and activities

No visitors, no group dinners, no Purim festivities: Senior citizen centers are doing their best to protect their residents, who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19