Netanyahu hails 'good neighborliness' of Saudis for hosting 128 Israeli passengers who spent night in Jeddah after Air Seychelles flight experienced a technical fault

Air Seychelles plane lands in Jeddah filled with Israelis; Saudis say passengers transferred to replacement flight, but Jerusalem claims issue still being worked on

Arkia flight IZ611 to Seychelles flies along Saudi's Red Sea shores, reducing travel time by 20 minutes; more substantial reductions to routes will require use of Oman's airspace

Passengers throw punches, insults at each other after man refuses to wear mask as Israeli passengers return from trip to island nation

Arkia airline announces flights to East African island nation and resort destination starting November 24

Greece and Cyprus to resume incoming flights for tourists from some countries, while Seychelles reportedly setting aside an island just for Israelis

Danny Faure issues call to action in first-ever live speech from submersible 400 feet below the waves of the Indian Ocean