Simcha Leiners NEW ALBUM Home | OUT NOW

Simcha Leiner’s new album “Home” is out now! The album is available for purchase on Mostly Music, as well as on most streaming platforms.

Simcha Leiner Milmala |  NEW SONG

Simcha Leiner JUST Released a brand new song off his upcoming album Home!

“Milmala” is sure to be a hit & gives us a taste of what’s to come! The full album goes live on Sunday & a music video is expected with the album release. Jewish Hock will keep you updated as soon as we know more!

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Simcha Leiners NEW Album | Home

Simcha Leiner’s New Album “Home” is around the corner! Simcha has been working on his new album for around a year now & it’s finally here! The album is scheduled to be released Sunday May 29th just in time for Shavuos & is the 5th of 7 Major New Albums supposed to come out!