Our Very First Bonei Olam-Vzakeini Baby! PIN # SMO332 הודו לה’ כי טוב! Just over a year ago, Vzakeini was established. $1 and 1 tefilah each week for 1 couple’s IVF treatment. Vzakeini promised miracles and over the last few months they also promised good news. Today, we finally say Mazal tov. Not just once, but twice. A couple who could not have had children without Bonei Olam’s help now hugs 2 little twin miracles in their arms. Mazal tov to the immediate family, and mazal tov to the entire Vzakeini family who gave life through their donations and tefilos. A message from the mother: “Not so long ago, the ability to become a mother was so distant, I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to hold my own baby. Today, I need to keep reminding myself that they are mine!
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