Our Very First Bonei Olam-Vzakeini Baby! PIN # SMO332 הודו לה’ כי טוב! Just over a year ago, Vzakeini was established. $1 and 1 tefilah each week for 1 couple’s IVF treatment. Vzakeini promised miracles and over the last few months they also promised good news. Today, we finally say Mazal tov. Not just once, but twice. ​A couple who could not have had children without Bonei Olam’s help now hugs 2 little twin miracles in their arms. Mazal tov to the immediate family, and mazal tov to the entire Vzakeini family who gave life through their donations and tefilos. ​ ​A message from the mother: “Not so long ago, the ability to become a mother was so distant, I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to hold my own baby. Today, I need to keep reminding myself that they are mine!

Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli New Windsor held its Inaugural Alumni Event on March 22nd, an incredible celebration of the special kesher that continues beyond the years spent at the yeshiva. Hanhala, rebbeim and alumni alike enjoyed spending this special time together, reminiscing about the wonderful shared experiences at Ohr Naftoli New Windsor.