Pluristem Therapeutics, Tnuva join race to create products from animal cells, using tech they say is more sustainable than natural methods

Startup also unveils first 'whole cuts' for high-end restaurants in the UK, Germany, Netherlands

While the Orthodox Union described the Impossible Burger as an 'excellent product,' its faux-porcine counterpart elicits a 'visceral' reaction from many observant consumers

Big food companies investing in alternatives to conventional meat and dairy, due to environmental damage caused by livestock farming and need to feed 10 billion mouths by 2050

Redefine Meat says it created the first plant-based 3D-printed kosher and pareve steak with the texture, taste and look of the real thing

Company says pilot factory is first of its kind worldwide, aims to begin operations in 2020, decrease cost of cultured meat to under $10 a pound