14 cities to have their sewage tracked in a bid to spot virus spikes early; university deploys toilet analysis to find dorms with infection before it spreads across campus

Students struggle financially and socially, with the challenges bigger for those who are already disadvantaged; 'if they fall, they will bring down all of us,' warns one dean

NIS 80 million available for cutting plastic bag use, yet no government targets set; Tel Aviv ranked third among 22 Mediterranean beaches for most plastic pollution along coastline

While Europe and the Far East invest, Israeli tech is researching and developing. Could the Start-Up Nation pull off another Mobileye?

Nano team at the Technion says it can check molecules one by one, meaning labs won’t need to spend hours ‘amplifying’ samples to generate more material for analysis

Tel Aviv, Technion, Hebrew U and Ben-Gurion University churn out high number of founders of venture capital-backed companies, in lineup compiled by PitchBook

Oncology patients' weakened immune system can prevent body 'overreacting' to virus, say Haifa researchers; theory still to be tested, but already published in peer-reviewed journal

Technion’s Hossam Haick says his breath test eliminates lab processing, and also the need for anyone to touch patients or samples. Clinical trial results have been peer-reviewed

Secondary growths cause 90% of cancer deaths. Haifa team says that, quite accidentally, it has found a way to use cells from primary tumor to instantly predict if metastasis likely

Technion researchers demonstrate branched flow, a 'beautiful' process that scientists have written about for years, but never seen
