Czech-born musician Lenka Lichtenberg speaks about her new album, 'Thieves of Dreams,' based on poetry written in Theresienstadt and hidden in Prague. NEW: Full transcript included

Adam Duritz returns after 40 years to perform, recounts time as teen in Israel, working on a kibbutz and in Jerusalem
NEW: Transcript included

This week, 'Last Summer at the Golden Hotel' and 'Floating Feldmans' author releases her newest work and tells us all about it. NEW: Full transcript included

Educators from Jerusalem's Hartman and Keshet schools talk about their students, classrooms and post-COVID realities

Two shlichim -- emissaries -- working at Camp Ramah talk about their two months in this very Jewish American experience

Pennsylvania boutique business churns profits back into subsistence farms in Cameroon

New Legend finances Israeli film and television content with backing from major Israeli investment house

Bestselling cookbook writer taught how to cook with tahini and hummus beans, pomegranates and fresh dates at a summer camp

Yahala and Shani Lachmish talk and sing from their debut album, 'Savtuna'

Dr. Noya Rimalt, a University of Haifa law professor, discusses Israel's legal path toward reproductive freedom
