Analysts say Pyongyang's claims of new weapons system isn't the same as a credible demonstration of capability, could've been 'an attempt at deception'

Yotam Polizer heads IsraAid, NGO with 320 staff that provides help at disasters worldwide, will receive prestigious Charles Bronfman Prize

Spectacular eruption, which created massive sonic boom heard as far as Alaska, cut off internet in the island nation, which saw large waves; no official reports of injuries, deaths

No immediate reports on injuries or extent of damage in Pacific nation of Tonga, near eruption site, as all internet connectivity lost

Video posted to social media shows large waves washing ashore in coastal areas after explosion of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcano

No injuries or damage reported; people on island of Flores were told to flee to higher ground but later allowed to return

Researchers estimate wave was 50-130 feet high and reached 1.5-3.5 kilometers inland, possibly explaining absence of signs of human habitation in area south of Haifa

Residents of Alaskan peninsula scramble to higher ground, but experts say they don't expect massive wave to hit