Dream Doctors cheer the weary; one refugee cites Ukraine's Holocaust history: 'I don’t believe that after all that we did to your people during the war, you're now helping us'

New arrivals expected to pay symbolic sum toward water and electricity, while most of the cost will be covered by the state at around NIS 500 million

Since invasion's onset, a web of organizations have been helping families in the US and Israel evacuate their relatives who are trapped in the war-torn country

Erdogan advisor tells NY Times he believes Russian leader seeks 'stronger position' ahead of possible summit; British PM Johnson warns against 'renormalizing' ties with Moscow

With an exhausting journey that lasted 3 days rather than the 8 hours it would normally take, Evgeny Pavlovskiy became perhaps the oldest Ukrainian refugee to escape alone

Top official warns this increases risk to civilians, 'will involve reckless and indiscriminate use of firepower'; UN says nearly 6.5 million people displaced inside country

Officials respond to High Court petition against Jerusalem's refugee policy, which has set limitations on arrivals from the wart-torn nation

According to Shaked, over 1,000 have left the country by choice or have been refused entry since start of Russian invasion

Health minister brands decision a 'disgrace' after interior minister says 'no chance' Israel will pony up costs; Shaked says hosting families can pay for private care instead

Many new immigrants expected to join the ranks of those with 'no religion,' leaving them unable to be married in Israel; rabbinate suspicion of Jewish status will only grow sharper
