War sees US secretary of state stuck between the personal and the political, as Zelensky repeats Holocaust comparisons, urging the world to do more

In his first major speech, secretary of state calls US ties with China the 'biggest geopolitical test' of the 21st century

Skipping mention of Israel in his first major policy speech, president calls on Myanmar military to 'relinquish power' after coup, vows to fight 'authoritarianism' in China, Russia

In briefing to UN Security Council on Mideast, Ahmed Aboul Gheit says outgoing US president emboldened Israel to take 'dangerous and destructive steps'

Despite objections by Israel, other countries, and many US lawmakers, president-elect wants to avoid escalation in Middle East so he can focus on America's challenges

Defense officials reportedly fear new US administration will clamp down on abuses by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and UAE, imperiling Israel's improved ties with them and strengthening Iran

Under both Obama and Trump, America seemed capricious and unable to keep its commitments; few are now willing to risk relying on its short attention span

President-elect likely to reengage with Tehran, to the dismay of Israel and the Gulf, and restore ties with Palestinians; but isn't expected to fully return to pre-Trump status quo

Former US envoy to UN, seen as strong candidate for 2024, slams Obama-Biden administration for 'denouncing' Jewish state by failing to veto UN condemnation of settlements

Presumptive democratic nominee and his surrogates say his top priorities, if he beats Trump, will include resuming assistance to Palestinian Authority and UNRWA
