Minister of state, a proponent of Arab-Israeli normalization, says any unilateral move by Jerusalem would constitute a 'serious setback for the peace process'

Secret meeting was part of Emirati effort to cool regional tensions amid escalating Middle East violence, alarmed American officials, according to NY Times report

National security adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat, Emirati ambassador to Washington said to have had talks in December on Tehran, non-aggression pact between Abu Dhabi and Jerusalem

Squadron departs for United Arab Emirates after another unit based at the same facility recently returned from region

Critics say the arms sales would aggravate Riyadh's war and attendant humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Robert Menendez, top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, warns Secretary of State Pompeo that reported transfer of US-made missiles to rebels is 'serious violation'

John Bolton visit coincides with regional summits in Saudi Arabia, as US and Arab allies seek to further isolate Iran
