As re-stated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman lz”n Reb Tzvi Dovid ben Reb Moshe Wow! We are so wonderfully blessed to have in our midst Gedolei Torah, such as Rav Yeruchem Olshin shlita, who can tell us what we need to hear This piece truly tells it like it is. It is from a Vaad given last year. Introduction In Parshas Vayeitzei, on his way to Lavan’s home, to escape the clutches of his brother, Eisov, Yaakov Avinu makes a vow. As part of that vow he asks Hashem, “v’nosan li lechem le’echol u’beged lilbosh” – to give him bread to eat and clothing to wear. In explaining these words, the Kli Yakar writes that the way to protect oneself from sin is to be sure not to learn from the ways of the reshoim. However, adds the Kli Yakar, there is another way as well.
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