Following the failed lunar landing of the Israeli spacecraft Beresheet, preliminary findings point to a technical malfunction in one of the built-in measurement gauges that led to the engine shutdown during the final descent.
According to the initial investigation of the Israeli spacecraft Beresheet’s landing maneuver, following a malfunction in the IMU (inertial measurement unit), a command was uploaded to the spacecraft, which ultimately caused the main engine to turn off as communication with the vessel was lost.
The SpaceIL and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) team is continuing its investigation of the mission and will release the final findings in the coming weeks.

For the first time since the Warsaw ghetto was liquidated during World War II and all its residents were killed or deported to death camps, one hundred Jewish families will celebrate a Pesach seder in the ghetto, along with the Rabbi of the local Lubavitch Jewish community and his family.
Rabbi Shalom Ber Stambler, Chief Rabbi of Chabad-Poland is hosting a special Pesach seder in the heart of what was formerly the Warsaw ghetto with approximately one hundred Jewish families from Israel, Europe and the USA as his guests.
The seder will be divided into three groups and led in three different languages—Polish, Hebrew and English. Toward the end of the evening, they will merge and conclude the seder as one.

Amid swirling speculation about the Trump administration’s so-called “deal of the century” for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, U.S. special envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt on Tuesday urged patience before its unveiling.
“Jared [Kushner, U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law] & I sincerely appreciate all of the interest in our peace efforts over the past 2 yrs. But, we’re not going to reveal details of the plan ahead of time. [Continued] speculation doesn’t help anyone & harms the effort. We kindly suggest a stop to the guessing games,” Greenblatt said on Twitter.
The administration, meanwhile, also updated its official international maps to include, for the first time, the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

Donations for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral after it was severely damaged by a fire Monday are already nearing $1 billion, according to the Associated Press.
In only 1.5 days, contributions have reached 880 million euros, or $995 million, according to presidential cultural heritage envoy Stephane Bern. The French government is in the process of establishing a special office to handle larger donations, according to the AP.
Donors thus far have ranged from large corporations like Apple and the owners of L’Oreal, Chanel and Dior to local parishioners and residents of small and midsized French towns, according to the news service.
French President Emmanuel Macron’s declared that the ancient cathedral will be completely repaired within five years.

As Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the international community await the publication of the American peace plan, it is clear, based on PA leader Mahmoud Abbas’ behavior in previous peace talks, that nothing the United States can offer will be enough.
Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, who was present at the negotiations between then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Abbas in 2008, recently told PA TV how generous Olmert’s offer was on all final status issues. In fact, he said, Olmert accepted all of the PA’s publicly expressed demands and even offered Abbas more than the full area of the West Bank and Gaza, and yet Abbas still rejected the offer.

By Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt
Director, Halachah & Medicine Commission
Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim

There is a small, yet very vocal and influential group of “anti-vaxxers” living in our heimishecommunities. While I am not questioning their love for their children, they are making a tremendous chillul Hashem and putting all Jews at great risk, both from measles, and rachmana leztlan, anti-semitism. I plead that everyone read this critically important pikuach nefashos article.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) said Monday that he will fight President Trump in court over Trump’s plan to send undocumented immigrants to so-called sanctuary cities like New York.
“It’s illegal. It is just plain illegal. We will meet him in court. We will beat him in court,” de Blasio said in an interview with NY1.
Trump argued Saturday that he has the legal right to send migrants to sanctuary cities — areas where local authorities refuse to help federal officials in enforcing immigration laws.
Read more at The Hill.

This isn’t just a computer bug. It’s a scandal.

Normalizing relations with Israel breaks with the Koran and Islamic faith, Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday.
Speaking at the closing ceremony of a Quran competition in Tehran, Khamenei blasted “certain Islamic nations” that are not, according to him, adhering to Muslim principles.
“The Quran says, ‘Be stern with the disbelievers.’ Some Muslims forget that, like those Muslim countries that compromise with the US and the Zionists… today, the officials of many Muslim states represent examples of that,” he added.
“They have become servants and followers of America and the Zionists,” he said, according to state-run news outlets. Some were “colluding with Israelis to shed the blood of Palestinians and violate their rights.”

Education Minister Naftali Bennett conceded that he had lost his Knesset seat and that the New Right party had failed to clear the electoral threshold.
“I did the best I could for my beloved people,” Bennett wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday evening after the Central Elections Committee found that the New Right had gained less than 50 votes in the latest recount and remained over 1,400 votes shy of the electoral threshold.
“After six years of kosher service, 100 campaign days and another week of struggle for every voice, I can say: I did the best I could for the people of Israel, my beloved nation,” Bennett said.
“This time it was not enough.
“I have no complaints to anyone. I and I alone are responsible for the result.
