The pilot episode of SHMUZIK featuring popular sephardic singer Uri Davidi, the renowned lubavitch singer Benny Friedman, and the Chassidic powerhouse vocalist Levy Falkowitz.

Abba is often a child’s first word. Yet unlike other early learned words, abba sticks throughout one’s entire life, due to its dual meaning. With selichos and Rosh Hashanah approaching, there is no better time to remind ourselves on who our true abba is. We present you with one of Jewish Music’s hottest songs of the summer- ‘Abba’, joined by the incredible Simcha Leiner, and The Yedidim Choir.
Video taken on August 13, 2019 at The Old Westbury Hebrew Congregation, at the Atkin & Mallin Wedding.
Composed by Bentzi Stein with Yiddish Lyrics by Avraham Fried
Sung by Avraham Fried and Ari Hill
Production: Aaron Teitelbaum -The Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra
Video Concept: Chad Kaminetsky

Kik Oif Furoes, is a soul stirring composition that talks about how we human beings have questions on Hashem “Why Did You Leave Us”, and how Hashem tells us “I’m here with you my child, and I feel your pain but don’t worry and don’t give up cause every milestone just gets you strength and courage to go further”.
The song is composed by The Young Composer Yossi Katz, new rising star in the composition world, Yossi is very musical by playing several instruments.
Yossi now enters a journey of composing by doing his first song a duet with Wonder Child Mendy Brull, (Originally from the Shir V’Shevach Boys Choir).
