Draft rules to discourage sending organic waste from kitchens and gardens to landfills while incentivizing local authorities to separate at source, build recycling facilities

'It’s becoming ubiquitous from the equator to the poles and the farthest reaches of the oceans,' expert says. 'And much of it is simply unnecessary'

As a new satirical blockbuster underlines the environmental obstacles we must overcome, here are a few suggestions for steps we can all take

Despite high-profile pledges, new ideas and much hard, novel work, the world is still not close to meeting its climate goals, and some are skeptical that Glasgow is the solution

Environment Ministry says higher levies on single-use cutlery, dishes could cut purchases by 40%; Minister Zandberg: 'Israel's addicted to disposable plastic and it's time to quit'

Following numerous calls to ToI, municipality clarifies that it has removed 200 out of 1,500 cages in run up to new bottle deposit rules coming into effect on December 1

Finance and environmental ministries say 100% levy on disposable plasticware, which would go into effect in early 2022 pending Knesset approval, could cut purchases by 40%

Photo issued by Israel Nature and Parks Authority is latest in string of images of wild animals endangered by waste. 'Throw your trash into bins,' INPA implores

Environment minister orders work on Good Samaritan facility in Mishor Adumim frozen, accuses Finance Ministry officials of issuing tender for project behind her back

Households will get financial incentives to separate organic waste into brown containers, all dry waste into orange ones and non-recyclable trash into green bins
