In move seen by some as precursor to future West Bank annexation, Washington removes geographic restrictions from three 1970s science cooperation agreements

In move seen by some as precursor to future West Bank annexation, Washington removes geographic restrictions from three 1970s science cooperation agreements

Removal of last remaining geographic restrictions will allow 3 foundations to offer grants beyond Green Line, essentially erasing the demarcation for Washington

Peace Now condemns attempt to 'squeeze in' housing units in West Bank city ahead of coming US presidential election, though actual construction blocked by court

Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Spain say green-lighting of 5,000 homes is 'counterproductive' and undermines regional peace efforts

Peace Now watchdog says approval makes 2020 a record year for green-lighting of homes, despite international condemnation; many homes okayed outside settlement blocs

Majority of houses to be green-lit through various planning stages are in relatively isolated settlements

Former minister for settlement affairs, currently self-quarantined in her new residence, now waiting for date to present her letter of credence to Queen Elizabeth II

About a hundred Christian volunteers help Har Bracha vintners pick their crops in controversial region

Settlement leaders were euphoric during PM's trip to see Trump's peace plan launched. Now, their cherished annexation is suspended, and they're accusing the PM of deception
