Mother says they were trying to escape Palestinian's burning tires, didn't see the soldiers when they accelerated on wrong side of West Bank road; mom and kid lightly hurt

Military says suspect taken for questioning after soldiers fire shots in the air during apparent attack at Hawara

East Jerusalem man accelerates vehicle into temporary police roadblock in flashpoint neighborhood; officer apparently wounded by comrade's gunfire

No servicemen injured in attempted attack in southern West Bank, amid uptick of violence

Errant projectile lands in Palestinian town of Azzun after sirens sound in settlements; Hamas says attack was revenge for 9 West Bank Palestinians killed in Friday clashes with IDF

Palestinians report 500 injured in clashes, including by live fire; IDF says 3,000 participate in violent riots that involve stone-throwing, Molotov cocktails

Amid intense Gaza fighting, suspected attacker attempts to ram, then stab soldier stationed at post near West Bank settlement of Ofra, according to military

Assailant said to be in moderate condition after being 'neutralized' by troops; no servicemen injured

Second Palestinian suspect seriously wounded by Israeli fire after one of them allegedly pulls out a gun at Tapuah Junction, site of a recent deadly terror attack

Female border police commander praised for quick thinking, bravery in stopping the gunmen after they opened fire from a short distance; IDF sending reinforcements to West Bank
