Rav Moshe of Premishel, author of Mateh Moshe (1606)
Rav Chaim Menachem Heschel of Zhinkov (1837-1893). Succeeded his father, Rav Meshulam Zusya, and expanded the Chassidus throughout Russia, Ukraine, and Serbia. Some of his divrei Torah are found in the sefer Shemuos Tovos.
-Rav Yosef Friedman of Rimanov (1913)

Rav Shlomo Eliezer Alfandri, the Maharsha Alfandri (1820-1930). Born in Istanbul, Rav Shlomo Eliezer served as the chief rabbi in Istanbul, Damascus, and subsequently in Tzefas for 20 years. He passed away at age 110 in Yerushalayim. Many of his halachic responses are included in his book, Saba Kadisha.

Rav Yitzchak Eizik Segal, author of Raza Meihemna (1783).
Rav Yaakov Yosef Hakohen Rabinowitz (1873-1902). The son of the Chessed L’Avraham of Radomsk, who in turn was the son of the Tiferes Shlomo. During his abbreviated life, he served as Rav of two towns, Breznitza and Klobitz. His older brother was the Keneses Yechezkel.
Today in History – 21 Iyar
· A pogrom broke out in Minsk, Russia, 1905.
· Karl Frank, Nazi protector of Bohemia-Moravia, executed, 1946.
· Kfar Chabad, located about 5 miles south of Tel Aviv, was founded by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Yosef Yitzchak, 1949.
{Manny Saltiel-Anshe.org/Matzav.com Newscenter/Chinuch.org}

Rav Meir ben Baruch, the Maharam MiRottenberg, teacher of the Rosh, (1215-1293). In 1286, Rudolf of Germany wanted to institute a new tax on the Jews of Germany. The Jews objected to this tax.
The Maharam decided to leave Germany, but on the 4th of Tamuz, he was kidnapped by the Bishop of Bazil and handed over to the Emperor, who held Rav Meir captive in the Tower of Enzisheim in Alsace. Rav Meir composed “Shaali S’-rufa B’esh,” which is included in the kinos of Tisha B’Av. He was niftar in the prison and wasn’t properly buried until 4 Adar in 1307.

Rav Yechezkel Landau, the Noda Beyehuda (1713-1793). Born in Apta, Poland, learned and served in Brody, serving as Av Beis Din at the age of 20 years. In 1755, he was appointed Rav of Prague and all of Bohemia, soon establishing and heading a yeshiva there as well. He also wrote Dagul Meirevavah on the Shulchan Aruch and Tzelach on Shas, as well as Doresh Tziyon and Ahavas Tziyon. He was able to trace his family lineage back to Rashi.

Rav Meir ben Gedaliah of Lublin, author of Maharam on Shas, also known as Meir Einai Chachamim. He was invited to the rabbinate of Cracow in 1587, before the age of 30. In 1591 he became rabbi at Lemberg. In 1613 he became rabbi at Lublin and established a Yeshiva (1558-1616)
Rav Shmuel Waldberg of Yaroslav (1856).

Rav Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira of Mogelnitz (or Moglonitza) (1849). He was raised and taught by his maternal grandfather, the Koznitzer Maggid. He married the granddaughter of the Rebbe R. Elimelech of Lyzhinsk. He was also the disciple of four leading figures of his generation: the rebbes of Lublin, Pesichah, Apta, and Ruzhin.

Rav Meir Baal Haness (121 CE). A descendant of proselytes, Rav Meir was a talmid of Rebbi Akiva, Rabbi Yishmael, and Elisha ben Avuyah. There are 335 halachos are mentioned in the Mishnah with Rabbi Meir’s explanations. His wife was the famous wise woman, Beruriah. She advised him wisely when neighboring wicked people disturbed him (Berachos 10a), and when their two sons died she broke the news gently and comforted him. He was one of the five scholars ordained by R’ Yehuda ben Bava during the persecutions following the Bar Kochva revolt (Sanhedrin 14). Rav Meir was buried in Teveria.

yahrtzeit-candlesRav Zorach Eideles of Prague (1755)
Rav Masoud Abuchatzeira, father of the Baba Sali (1835-1908). Born in Taflilat, Morocco, hesucceeded his father, the Abir Yaakov, as Rav of the city in 1880.
Rav Yehuda Tzvi Eichenstein of Dolima (1909)
Today in History – 12 Iyar
· Roman legions under Titus breached the middle wall of Yerushalayim. A counter-attack by the Jews restored the wall to their command, 70 CE.
