Defense minister says women involved in country's defense at all levels, after conservative voices denounced mixed service following killing of man and woman together in guard post

Defense minister also threatens to 'send Lebanon back to the stone age' if Hezbollah goes to war against Israel, during visit to Northern Command headquarters for major drill

Visit by defense minister to Home Front Command comes as IDF carries out major drill simulating multifront conflict

Construction of new building in outpost was ‘deliberate dismantlement of rule of law,’ caused 'constitutional crisis' as ministers allegedly approved structure, says Yesh Din

Netanyahu and Gallant will also hold security assessment Sunday, as Jerusalem sharpens threats against Islamic Republic's nuclear program

Foreign Ministry claims credibility of IAEA 'severely damaged' by 'impossible' explanation for trace uranium at suspect site; PM warns Israel will do what it must to stop bomb

Homesh yeshiva moves from its old site on private Palestinian land to state land, with government planning to legalize the outpost despite opposition from the US

Settlers begin process of moving wildcat outpost off private Palestinian land to make way for its legalization, despite Israeli assurances to Biden that it would not do so

Defense chief hails recent strikes in Gaza but says IDF readying for threat that is 'more complex, more difficult, and more significant'; PM: Israel 'constantly surprising Iran'

Aharon Haliva warns chances of major escalation ‘not low’; Defense Minister Gallant: Iran converting merchant ships into ‘floating terror bases’ armed with drones, missiles
