Decision comes after government finds Parents Circle violates rules against disgracing IDF; group responds: 'In a dictatorship, the education minister decides what is forbidden'

Asaf Tzalel, a reservist air force pilot, says he will still carry out military duties, calls for state education to remain nonpartisan

Business organization representing 150 leading companies, tech sector workers, lawyers to rally Monday as coalition readies to enact key bill that will limit judicial review

Tens of thousands attend Tel Aviv pro-government event where ministers slam reservist protests, vow more bills; in Jerusalem, ex-president Rivlin urges PM to stop, 'avoid disaster'

After former state attorney Moshe Lador slammed leaked remarks by Netanyahu judges about weakness of bribery charge, coalition whip called on Supreme Court chief to defend them

Prime minister charges activists constantly switching message to ensure there's 'not one moment of peace'; Likud MKs demand boost in security due to protests

Far-right MK seeks to increase 'transparency' for parents on vendor-provided curricula; education minister says he won't permit 'extremism' or changes to his ministry's powers

Mayors say won't work with far-right deputy minister; principals' forum: 'Shame' on Israel that 'homophobe, misogynist, chauvinist, Kahanist' Maoz has influence on education system

Employed parents to receive NIS 940 for each child in range, extra NIS 1,700 for those at state-subsidized daycares; NIS 2 billion committed to building state-funded centers

Court rules short notice and method of announcing walkout for grades 10-11 over low wages is unlawful
