(AP) – Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, standing in front of the trial prosecutors, told reporters: “The 12 everyday jurors vowed to make a decision based on the evidence and the law, and the evidence and the law alone.” “Their del

A poll released on Thursday shows President Biden holding an uncomfortably slim lead over former President Donald Trump in New York, a traditionally Democratic stronghold. The Emerson College Polling/The Hill/PIX11 survey found that Biden leads Trump by 7 points, 48% to 41%, in a head-to-head matchup. This lead expands to 10 points when undecided voters are factored in. The poll also reveals that Trump performs better when third-party candidates are included, garnering 44% support to Biden’s 38%. Notably, independent voters in New York are backing Trump by a significant margin, with 43% supporting him compared to 33% for Biden.

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Data science is the secret superpower behind the biggest and most profitable companies in the world. Google has over 900 data focused employees. Amazon has spent millions on training data analysts. Instacart says data analysis is an integral part of their business approach.

The Montreal Jewish community was left reeling Tuesday morning after a shooting at the Belz Yeshiva K’tana – in the same neighborhood as Yeshiva Gedolah of Montreal, which was targeted in a shooting last fall, an incident for which a Muslim suspect was arrested and charged just last week. According to police, four bullets were […]

North Korea on Thursday fired a barrage of suspected ballistic missiles toward its eastern sea, according to South Korea’s military, days after its attempt to launch a military reconnaissance satellite ended in failure but still drew strong condemnation from its rivals. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said it detected the North firing around 10 […]

Israeli War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz’s National Unity Party submitted a bill on Thursday to dissolve the Knesset, in an attempt to topple the government led by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.
The proposal to dissolve Israel’s parliament was submitted by National Unity lawmaker MK Pnina Tamano-Shata.
“October 7 is a disaster that obliges us to return and receive the trust of the nation; to establish a broad and stable unity government that can lead us with confidence in the face of major challenges in terms of security, the economy and especially in Israeli society,” said Tamano-Shata.

Four years from the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Zoom mishaps are still playing out in courtrooms: This time, a defendant virtually attended a hearing about his suspended license – from behind the wheel of a car.
The video begins with Judge Cedric Simpson waiting for Corey Harris, the defendant, to join the hearing in Ann Arbor, Mich. Moments later, Harris joins the call. “Hello,” he says, while apparently steering, wearing sunglasses and a seat belt.
“Mr. Harris, are you driving?” Simpson asked. “I’m pulling into my doctor’s office, actually,” Harris said. “So just give me one second, I’m parking right now.”
Harris did not say why he was visiting the doctor. The Washington Post was unable to contact Harris’s legal representative.
