The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror organization released a propaganda video of hostage Sasha Trufanov on Thursday, following a previous video published on Tuesday. Unlike the previous video, Trufanov’s scripted statements, during which he spoke about Israel’s closure of Al Jazeera, indicate the video was filmed recently, in the past month. Trufanov, a resident of […]

The IDF’s 12th Brigade entered a UNWRA complex after receving antitank fire coming from the complex. The complex housed a school, mosque and medical clinic.
While searching the complex, an explosive device in a booby-trapped shaft inside the civilian medical clinic detonated next to the soldiers. As a result of the explosion, three soldiers from the 50th Nahal Battalion, Staff Sergeant Amir Galilove, Staff Sergeant Uri Bar-Or, and Staff Sergeant Ido Appel, were killed.
During the operation, the soldiers located many weapons, grenades, and enemy uniforms. Inside the school’s classrooms, the forces located shafts leading to a complex tunnel system. Every use of the complex by Hamas for it’s military purposes is a war crime.

Ninet and Moshe Levy, from Kiryat Motzkin, lost two grandchildren within two and a half weeks in fighting in the Gaza Strip.
Recently their grandson Sgt. Yedidya Azougi, 22, a platoon sergeant in the 101st Battalion of the Paratroopers from Revava in the Shomron, fell in battle.
Just two and a half weeks ago, they lost their grandson Sgt. Daniel Levy OBM, who also fell in combat in the northern Gaza Strip.
Mayor Tziki Avisar wrote after visited their home to offer condolences, saying: “I left the apartment of Ninet and Moshe. I felt the pain of their cries of breaking and had no words to comfort them for their heavy loss. I share the family’s grief.”

The U.S. mission to the United Nations is skipping a United Nations tribute on Thursday for Ebrahim Raisi, the late president of Iran who died in a helicopter crash on May 19.
“The UN should be standing with the people of Iran,” said Nate Evans, spokesman for the U.S. mission to the United Nations, who noted that Washington wouldn’t participate “in any capacity.”
“Raisi was involved in numerous, horrific human rights abuses, including the extrajudicial killings of thousands of political prisoners in 1988,” Evans said. “Some of the worst human rights abuses on record took place during his tenure.”
A U.S. envoy was one of many diplomats at the global body who stood during a moment of silence for Raisi, known as the “butcher of Tehran,” at the United Nations.

Family getting up: Mr. Edward HastenSon Rabbi Michael HastenSon Mrs. Monica RosenfeldDaughter Mrs. Judy KayeDaughter

When a boy struggles with Kriah basics like blending nekudos – then “confidently opens a Siddur to daven” after years, it’s a big deal.  But it’s the kind of success the Confident Kriah Method has created for countless students in dozens of schools.  What is the Confident Kriah Method? How is it so “groundbreaking” and […]

Israeli War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz’s National Unity Party submitted a bill on Thursday to dissolve the Knesset, in an attempt to topple the government led by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.
The proposal to dissolve Israel’s parliament was submitted by National Unity lawmaker MK Pnina Tamano-Shata.
“October 7 is a disaster that obliges us to return and receive the trust of the nation; to establish a broad and stable unity government that can lead us with confidence in the face of major challenges in terms of security, the economy and especially in Israeli society,” said Tamano-Shata.

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu hosted US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at the Prime Minister’s Office in Yerushalayim. Netanyahu expressed gratitude for Graham’s fifth visit to Israel since the war began, acknowledging him as a steadfast ally of Israel and the Jewish People.

Housing Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf announced at the Israel Bar Association conference that the Israel Land Authority (ILA) ordered the UNWRA to immediately vacate its offices and the land it is using in Jerusalem. The UNWRA has a long history of violating leases that was largely ignored by the ILA in the past. But now that […]

The Jewish state lacks a plan for the day after the war in Gaza, so Israel faces either an “enduring insurgency on its hands” or a vacuum that “jihadis” who are worse than Hamas will fill, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday.
Speaking alongside Maia Sandu, the Moldovan president, at a press conference in the East European nation’s capital city Chișinău, Blinken fielded several questions about the Jewish state.
The U.S. secretary called recent civilians deaths in Rafah “horrific” and said that Washington awaits what he hopes will be a “deliberate but also fast investigation” by Israel. He noted that the Jewish state has said that it used targeted munitions as it sought to kill Hamas terrorists.

Dov Brodkin began  preparing for a career in medicine even before he started college. He shadowed physicians during his summer breaks in Portland, Oregon, where he grew up to get a jump start on his chosen profession. “It may be cliche, but I’m interested in medicine because it allows me to combine my love of […]

Addressing graduates at Yeshiva University’s commencement on Wednesday, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) noted that he was last at a graduation “literally a quarter century ago,” when he graduated from Harvard University.
The pro-Israel senator’s reference to the Ivy League school, which has been accused of silence concerning Jew-hatred, drew some boos from the audience.
