As Richard Carranza departs his position as Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, and Meisha Ross Porter assumes the Chancellorship as his successor, Agudath Israel of America thanks Dr. Carranza for his service as chancellor over the last three years, and welcomes Ms. Porter as the new chancellor. Agudath Israel has been privileged over many years to work closely with the New York City Department of Education and its Office of Nonpublic Schools on behalf of the approximately 350 yeshivos in the city. In addition, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudah’s executive vice president, chairs the Committee of New York City Religious and Independent School Officials, which meets regularly with the Department of Education to discuss such matters as funding, remedial services, special education, and transportation, and to advance the interests of the city’s entire nonpublic school community. “The DOE under Chancellor Carranza’s leadership has engaged the city’s religious and independent schools in ongoing dialogue,” said Rabbi Zwiebel. “It has been obvious that we share the common goal of the well-being of all the students of New York City. The DOE’s good faith and responsibility during these challenging times, especially, are noted and appreciated. We wish Dr. Carranza well in his future endeavors. “Ms. Porter’s reputation is as an educator who takes on tough challenges successfully. While we have not yet had occasion to interact with her, we look forward to working with Ms. Porter and continuing our partnership with the Department of Education and the Office of Non-Public Schools for New York City.
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