Today, In a historic move, earlier than usual, a coalition of Jewish leaders and local groups representing the Jewish community in Borough Park, including Bobov, Belz, and Satmar united to announced their endorsement of Andrew Yang for mayor of NYC. In a statement the mayoral candidate Andrew Yang said “I am so deeply proud to have earned the endorsement of this incredible group of community leaders, many of whom I’ve met and gotten to know on a personal level in recent weeks. New York’s Jewish community is not only core to who we are as a City, it is also going to be critical to New York’s comeback. I have had such an amazing time visiting Borough Park, bumping into people on 13th Avenue, visiting local shops — where everyone I met was so optimistic about New York’s future. The vibrancy, hope and joy felt on the streets in Borough Park is a palpable reminder of who we are as New Yorkers. The endorsers include: Heshy Dembitzer, Joel Rosenfeld and Chaskie Rosenberg of Bobov, Yaakov Yosef Steinmetz, Chesky Blau and Naftuli Reiner of Bobov-45, Efrayim Fink of Benos Chaya, Yitzchok Mechil Moskowitz and Meir Kuperstein of Belz, Chaim Friedman of Munkatch, Aron Welz and Jacob Landau of Satmar, Berl Lefkowitz and Naftali Tzvi Schwartz of Satmar, Joel Friedman of Pupa, Moshe Weissman and Gershon Weiss of Klausenburg, Moshe Shia Kramer of Rachmastrivka. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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