HOME | Simcha Leiner New Music Video

Simcha Leiner just released a brand new music video. The video is to the title track of his most recent album “Home” & is of similar style to the recent videos Simcha has been putting out.

“Home” which is a song about going home to Eretz Yisroel was one of the most popular songs on the album, so the music video should do pretty well. Though Simcha has crossed half a million views on on some of his popular videos & 2.9 million views on his Ribono video – this video will likely perform in line with some of his more recent videos.

Simcha Leiners most recent video “Shuvi” has just about a hundred thousand views… & apart from the “Kol Hakavod” video – his videos usually land between 100,000-300,000 views in it’s first year. Jewish Hock predicts the new “Home” video will do slightly better than Shuvi, reaching just above 200,000 views in it’s first year.

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