Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs in Brooklyn have reached an unprecedented consensus to begin the 2023-2024 school year around the start of Elul, rather than with the secular start date of Labor Day. Torah U’Mesorah also requested that “other communities consider joining this movement and working together on this important chinuch issue.” The move comes after a coordinated effort by Torah U’Mesorah, supported by zkan roshei yeshivos HaRav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlit”a, to schedule the start of their school year around Rosh Chodesh Elul rather than Labor Day, which would leave talmidim and talmidos little time to be educated about the Yamim Noraim and Sukkos. The plan is for the Yeshivos to start the school year on Tuesday, August 29/12 Elul, and the Bais Yaakovs to start the school year on Thursday, August 31/14 Elul. In a statement, Torah U’Mesorah said, “we understand that it may be difficult to implement at this late date, but it is important to make the effort to initiate this new schedule, sooner rather than later.” “We look forward to the Yeshivos and Bais Yaakov’s continuing to work together in the coming years to ensure that the school calendar is arranged in a way that provides the proper chinuch structure for our children,” it continued. “We thank the Roshei Mosdos, Menahalim, Menahalos, Rebbeim and Moros for heeding the call of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva, and we laud the efforts of the Brooklyn community for seizing the opportunity to make a change that will iy”H have a positive impact on the chinuch of our children.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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