Dear Editor@Matzav,
I am writing to express my deep frustration with bosses who consistently refuse to provide raises, despite the rising cost of living. It is disheartening to witness this disregard for the financial well-being of hardworking individuals who are struggling to earn a parnassah.
It is no secret that the cost of living continues to soar, placing an immense burden on individuals and mishpachos alike. Basic necessities such as food and household items have become increasingly unaffordable, leaving many struggling to make ends meet. The cost of making Shabbos? Hard to describe! A shopping trip to the supermarket for some basics? Never under 100 bucks. A full shopping? No less than a few hundred dollars! It’s crazy.
Yet, in the face of these challenges, some frum employers seem indifferent to the plight of their employees. It’s like they mamish don’t care.
I wonder, if these bosses asked a rov, if they’d be told to take their maaser or tzedakah money and give it toward their employees’ earnings so that they don’t have to continue to choke and build up debt just to live.
How much more should I add to my credit card? At what point do I crack?
It is crucial that employers recognize the impact of stagnant wages on the lives of their employees. As the cost of living continues to rise, we face mounting financial pressures and are often forced to make sacrifices that impact our well-being. This is not a sustainable or just situation.
It is high time for bosses to recognize their achrayus, yes their responsibility, in ensuring that their employees can maintain a decent standard of living. It’s an achrayus. Stop treating employees like they are expendible.
Embarrassed to Sign