A man who refused to give his wife a get for over a decade has allegedly consented to terminate their marriage. This followed Chief Rabbi David Lau backing a ruling which prevented the divorce-refusing husband from burying his recently deceased mother.
The mother’s burial casket arrived in Israel from the US on Monday night, and after examining the case Lau backed the decision made by a US based Bais Din to postpone the kevura until the husband agrees to give a get.
“This is the most severe case of Agunah for over a ten years in which the husband totally refuses to allow his wife to continue her life while he is unlawfully married to a second wife,” said Lau.
“After all other options were exhausted, we were forced to inform the burial society not to bury his mother until a valid bill of divorce was given over to the son [of the couple].”
Read more at JPOST.
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