Hamas isn’t just wielding guns and rockets in their terror escapades against innocent Jews; they employ psychological terror too. And in the latest iteration of the latter, Hamas on Monday released a new video of a hostage abducted on October 7th, 19-year-old IDF lookout Noa Marciano. “Our hearts are with the Marciano family whose daughter, Noa, was brutally kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization,” the IDF said in a statement. “The IDF and all the relevant bodies will continue to support her family, as well as all of the families of the hostages and missing persons. We are using all means, both intelligence and operational, to bring the hostages home.” The IDF said it sent a representative to the Marciano family’s home to inform them of the video’s publication. “The Hamas terrorist organization continues to exploit psychological terrorism and act inhumanely, through videos and photos of the hostages, as done in the past,” the IDF noted. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)