Efforts to protect Kamala Harris from the press continue…
According to a New York Post report, Kamala Harris has now resorted to faking a phone call in order to duck reporters who want to ask her about her numerous policy flip-flops.
From The New York Post:
Vice President Kamala Harris brushed past reporters and boarded Air Force Two on Monday with her cell phone out and headphones firmly planted in both ears, a time-honored trick in Washington to avoid pesky questions from the press.
The Democratic presidential candidate offered an awkward salute before shaking hands with a US service member and striding up the steps of her official jet, one hand pressed carefully to her ear as if listening intently to what she was being told.
Harris, 59, glanced back and waved at the scrum of reporters near the plane’s steps, pausing again at the top of the ramp to adjust her headphone while at the same time holding her phone held up to her left ear.
“She may not have been a senator long, but mastered the ‘Can’t talk, on a call’ play,” noted NBC News White House correspondent Mike Memoli on X.
More over at The New York Post:
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