IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari spoke to the Israeli media Tuesday night with updates regarding the ongoing Operation Northern Arrows.
Hagari spoke about the elimination on Tuesday of the head of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile unit, Ibrahim Muhammad Kaibisi, saying: “At least two other commanders were eliminated along with Hezbollah’s missile head Kaibisi. In recent days he was responsible for the shooting at Chaifa – including this morning’s shooting.
“Today, about 300 rockets were fired towards the Israeli rear, injuring 6 civilians and soldiers – most of them lightly injured”.
Hinting Israel has been thwarting Hezbollah’s terror plans, Hagari said: “Hezbollah wanted to shoot more today. We are disrupting and thwarting his plan. I will not detail the data on Hezbollah’s shooting reduction – in order not to provide the enemy with a clear picture.”
However, Hagari also emphasized the danger Hezbollah continues to pose, saying: “We still have a way to go. It should be remembered – Hezbollah still has other capabilities of different kinds, our role is to handle each of them, but first and foremost those whose risk to the Israeli rear is greater.”
Speaking about the timeline for the ongoing operation in the north, Hagari said: “We aim for the campaign to be as short as possible, hence we are attacking with intensity. But we must be prepared for it to continue longer.”
He also emphasized that two IDF divisions are still fighting in Gaza.
The IDF has released for publication some data about IAF activities so far in the northern operation. In multiple attack waves targeting Hezbollah, Air Force fighters flew close to 3,000 flight hours, attacking over 1,600 terror targets in over 200 areas.
The attacks included over 250 aircraft, which dropped 2,000 munitions. Hezbollah targets included 400 meduim range rocket launchers, 80 drones and 70 weapons storage locations.
Lebanese Minister Naser Yasin announced a death toll of 564 on Tuesday, without specifying a breakdown between Hezbollah terrorists and civilians.