As he does annually, David Laron, the CEO of Israel Post, made his way to the Kosel Hamaarovi to deliver a special collection of letters addressed to “God.” These letters, which had been mailed from all over the world and gathered by Israel Post throughout the past year, 5784, were presented to Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz, the rov of the Kosel.
The rov accepted the letters, which would soon be placed in the crevices of the Kosel, just before the arrival of Tishrei.
These letters are sent each year from many different parts of the globe, often without a precise address, but with the hope that they reach their intended destination. The envelopes are addressed with titles such as “God” or “Hashem,” and are marked with locations like “Jerusalem,” “The Western Wall,” “The Holy Land,” and similar references.
While the volume of letters was lower this year compared to previous years, the range of countries from which they came remained diverse. The United States and Russia topped the list, with letters also arriving from countries including Canada, Brazil, Cyprus, Poland, and even one from Israel.
Rav Rabinowitz expressed his deep sense of privilege in receiving these heartfelt messages. He remarked, “It is an honor for me to receive the letters that people from all over the world have sent to God and to place them among the stones of the Western Wall – a place that is the gateway to heaven, where all prayers pass. Especially this year, we are in need of the blessing: ‘May the year and its curses end, and may a new year and its blessings begin,’ with prayers for the safe return of the hostages, for the well-being of the soldiers and the wounded, for peace and unity among the people of Israel, and for a good inscription and sealing in the Book of Life.”
David Laron, reflecting on the significance of the letters, added, “We never know what is written in the letters sent to God by mail, and we always maintain the sanctity of privacy for those who sent their personal prayers. This year, I am sure that among the personal prayers is our collective prayer for the speedy return of the hostages, for the swift recovery of the physically and emotionally wounded, for the safe return of those displaced from their homes, and for the safety of the soldiers defending us on the various fronts.”
{ Israel}