Over the past number of years, MAGA ideology has seeped into our oilam hatorah and impacted our hashkafas hachaim. Much of the frum media has become a mouthpiece for this ideology. The standard reading material available to the chareidi consumer presents a one-sided approach to the day’s issues. Instead of articles addressing issues with chochmah and nuance, it becomes brash and divisive. Sadly, this trickles down and affects middos and how people deal with others of legitimate divergent opinions. Loyalty to Donald Trump and his ideology has become a litmus test of acceptable hashkafa for many. Those who dissent are called leftists, self-hating Jews, enemies of klal yisrael, not true bnei Torah, kapos, and worse. This type of over the top rhetoric and passion is indicative of an unhealthy obsession with a human being. Let us vote, but let us recognize that there is a legitimate case for those who approach Donald Trump with fear and concern and will therefore not support him. Respect the right that Senator Ted Cruz proclaimed from the 2016 RNC convention floor to “vote your conscience.” 1) Donald Trump’s rise to power came about through mocking others. His name-calling, such as “low-energy Jeb,” “little Marco,” etc., has been a staple of his campaigns. This type of demeaning behavior is now accepted by many as silly and fun. Worse yet is his demonization of immigrants and people of color. Trump has accused asylum seekers and migrants of being the worst types of criminals and subhuman. Many, if not all, in our community, have benefitted from immigrants, many of them illegally in capacities such as baby nurses, gardeners, handymen, and cleaning help. I am not aware of any in our community who immigrants have harmed, but the anti-immigrant vitriol and hatred are parroted by so many in our community. The Ramban points out that Sedom had a system of legal entry. Lot was allowed to enter because either he was a man of financial means, had Avrohom as a relative, or entered through a legal process. The actions of Sedom were geared against the “illegal” visitors, yet Sedom was punished harshly because everyone was expected to do chesed with those who needed it. The Trump policy of separating children from parents at the border as a means of deterrence is midas Sedom, and yet it has now somehow become acceptable to bnei Torah. 2) Donald Trump has built his campaign on pitting people against each other in rage and anger. He has peddled racism. He recently accused hardworking legal Haitian immigrants of eating cats and dogs. This is a blatant falsehood, yet he has never retracted it. Such racism is wrong and should be anathema to a frum Yid. Furthermore, Yidden do not do well in societies that tolerate racism, where people are demonized and constantly pitted against each other. Donald Trump himself recently dined with Kanye and Nick Fuentes, two of the worst antisemites in America at his private residence and never apologized. He has also said that Jews would bear responsibility if he loses. Trump may not be an antisemite, but he tolerates it when it serves his political needs. Trump has been vocal in condemning antisemitism on the left, yet he has never issued any condemnation of antisemitism emanating from the right. He continues […]