Dear Matzav Inbox,
I have an overwhelming sense of disgust and frustration over the growing trend of young bochurim, some as young as in 5th and 6th grade, who are now vaping in places like shul and supermarkets. What has become of us as a community, when young boys are engaging in this dangerous and disturbing habit?
The prevalence of vaping among our boys has reached epidemic proportions in my opinion, and it is time that we, as a community, address it head-on.
Vaping involves inhaling the chemicals and toxins found in e-cigarettes, and it has quickly spread through our communities like wildfire. And yet, for reasons I cannot comprehend, it is being allowed to proliferate unchecked, even among those who are not yet teenagers.
We are seeing children in shul sneaking puffs of these poisonous devices. We are witnessing bochurim becoming addicted to something that not only damages their health but their future as well.
This is not just a harmless teenage rebellion. It is a serious problem, a machlah that is eating away at our bochurim.
I went to a chasunah last night. On my way out, I will tell you that every second bochur was vaping.
The long-term effects of inhaling these toxic chemicals are still not fully known. We are watching these young boys turn to substances that poison their bodies.
But it isn’t just about the health risks. What are we telling these boys about self-discipline, self-control, and respect for themselves and for others? What are we teaching them about the values that should be instilled in them? Are we supposed to simply look away?
And where are the parents in all of this? How are these young children getting their hands on these devices in the first place? How can we, as a community, stand by as these young boys turn to such an addictive and dangerous practice, often without even understanding the consequences of their actions?
Parents need to be vigilant, active, and involved in their children’s lives, making sure that they are not only steering clear of physical dangers but also the spiritual dangers that come with falling prey to such addictions. One thing leads to another.
Let us not kid ourselves into thinking that this is just a “phase” or something that will blow over. We have seen this pattern before with other issues in our community, where we turn a blind eye until the problem becomes so widespread and ingrained that it is nearly impossible to fix. We cannot afford to let vaping become another epidemic that ruins the lives of our young boys and bochurim.
It is imperative that we educate our children, from the youngest age, about the dangers of vaping, and instill in them a sense of responsibility for their health, their future, and their kehillah.
Let us stand together as a community and put an end to this scourge that is threatening to ruin our youth.
A Concerned Parent
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