Esther Wachsman, the mother of Nachshon Wachsman, an IDF soldier who was abducted and killed, has passed away.
Wachsman became widely recognized across Israel following her son’s abduction in 1994. She played a central role in the public campaign advocating for his release and called upon people to daven for him.
Nachshon Wachsman, who served in the Golani Brigade, was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists and later killed during an attempted IDF rescue operation in Bir Nabala, a location north of Yerushalayim.
Since her son’s passing, Wachsman dedicated herself to preserving his legacy through various public and educational efforts. She became a symbol of resilience and emunah, inspiring many.
At a 2019 gathering commemorating the 25th anniversary of Nachshon’s death, Esther Wachsman shared her personal struggle with Arutz Sheva. “I tell the Jewish people that as much as I almost collapsed at that time and all I wanted was to get into bed and put the blanket over my head, I had six other children that needed their mother. I made two weddings and a bar mitzvah that year. There are two words that I want to tell everybody and maybe you can learn from me: ‘I chose life.'”

{ Israel}