Texas Senator Ted Cruz stopped by Hannity Tuesday night to assess President Trump’s address to the joint session of Congress. He said it was his “best one yet.”
“This is the fifth State of the Union speech I’ve seen Trump give; it was by far his best. We’re just over a month into it, and he’s had a litany of victories that we’ve already won, one after the other after the other,: Cruz said, adding Trump had “the promise of America front and center.”
Cruz had words for the disgraceful Democrats as well.
“I have never seen such a disgraceful display as the Democrats put on,” Cruz said. “I’ve been to 13 State of the Union addresses … it started from the moment he walked in — not a single Democrat stood, not a single Democrat applauded — not one! I’ve never seen that happen.”
Cruz blasted Democrats for cheering only one moment: sending money to Ukraine.
“What the … is wrong with these people?” Cruz said he asked colleagues on the floor.
“It’s rage and it’s hate,” Cruz added.
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