Gad ben Yaakov Avinu (1566 BCE-1441 BCE)
Rav Yechiel Michel of Krakow, author of Seder Gittin (1660)
Rav Aryeh Leib of Stanislov, author of Nachlas Aryeh (1749). The city of Stanisławów was founded in the year 1654 by the Hetman (commander) and Starosta (County Administrator) of the Halicz region, Jedrzej Potocki, and was named after his son Stanisław. Armenians and Jews were invited and promised, in the founding charter of the city of May 7, 1654, the right to settle in the city and the right to establish a house of prayer on the land that was given to them. In a special charter from September 17, 1662[6], Jedrzej Potocki granted the Jews (Żydzi talmudowi) the right to settle permanently in the city and the right to engage in commerce and crafts in the same measure as “the members of the Polish, Ruthenia and Armenian nations.” In 1732, the Jewish population was 1,470 souls from among a total population of 3,321
Rav Meir, Rav of Lelov and of Ostroha, author of Meir Nesivim (1789).
Rav Avraham Oppenheim, author of Eishel Avraham on Shulchan Aruch (1826). [Not to be confused with Rav Avraham Dovid Wahrman of Butchatch, author of a sefer with the same name – see 30 Tishrei.]
Rav Yosef Meir, Rav of Golina (1831).
Rav Yitzchak Schick of Karlin, the Keren Ora (1851)
Rav Meir Shapit of Kobrin, author of Nir Liyerushalmi (1872).
Rav Dov Beirish Weidenfeld, the Tchebiner Rav (1881-1965). His maternal grandfather was the seventh link in an unbroken chain of poskim beginning with the Shach. Beirishel’s paternal grandfather was a disciple of R’ Yaakov Loeberbaum, author of Nesivos HaMishpat. His father, Rav Yaakov Weidenfeld, founder of the Kochar MiYaakov Yeshiva, was his primary teacher until he was nifter in 1894, just two weeks prior to Reb Beirishel’s Bar Mitzvah. Thereafter, he became a student of his two older brothers, Rav Yitzchak of Horimlov (where Beirishel was also born) and Rav Nachum of Dombrova. At the age of 19, Rav Beirish married Rebbetzin Yachat, the daughter of Rav Yisrael Yosef Kluger of Tchebin. At the age of 24, he received semicha from Rav Yitzchak Shmelkish, the Beis Yitzchak. His wife administered a modest coal business to support him. In 1923, after 20 years of learning, he assumed the title of the Tchebiner Rav. Along with his wife and youngest daughter, the Rav was deported to Sverdelovsk, Siberia, in late 1940. With the dissolution of the labor camp, the Rav escaped to Buchara. The Tshebiner Rav arrived on the eve of Pesach, 1946, in Jerusalem, which he was to call home for the rest of his life, settling in the Shaarei Chessed neighborhood. His response were collected in the sefer Doveiv Meisharim. His son-in-law and successor as Rosh Yeshivah of Kochav MiYaakov was Rav Baruch Shimon Schneersohn.
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