Dear YWN readership, I went shopping today in Brooklyn at Bingo, and parked in the Bingo parking lot using a handicapped parking spot with proper identification. I am multiply handicapped and the fact that in Bingo they have handicapped lines that are not dedicated to the handicapped, and that they do not pack for a handicapped person, even when asked, is the subject for another post. As I was packing my car with my many purchases, a car pulled in to the handicapped spot next to mine. The couple got out without placing a handicapped placard in the windshield, and without handicapped plates. They were not elderly, nor did they appear to be infirm. I told them that they were using a handicapped parking spot. The woman responded with an “oh” – and it sounded like she was surprised. Her husband, however, said “so?” I responded that the next time I needed a spot and one was not available, it would be because someone that didn’t need it would have taken it. He reiterated, “so?” With that, they took a cart and exited the parking lot. I should add that there were numerous spots available in the parking lot It is disgusting that a Yid could be so selfish as to deny a person with a handicap an opportunity to park close to an entrance. Imagine if someone not from our community witnessed such a thing? What a terrible chillul HaShem this would be. People need to respect each other. We teach that to our children with the hope that they will apply their lessons when out in the world. Obviously, some have chosen to ignore the basic foundation of respecting each other as well as the law. I hope that the people involved see this, or hear about it and recognize themselves. Perhaps they will be a little embarrassed. That would be a good thing. Name withheld upon request. YWN notes that according to Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, if someone parks in a handicapped parking space and davens Shacharis, is “oiver” a “mitzvah ha’baah b’iaveira”. NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)