Rav Pinchas of Voldova, author of Bris Shalom (1663).
Rav Yosef Baruch (ben Klonymos Kalman) Halevi Epstein, the Gutteh Yid of Neustadt (1867). He was the son of the Maor Vashemesh.
Rav Alexander Moshe (ben Tzvi) Lapidus (1819-1906). A talmid of Rav Yisrael Salanter, he authored Divrei Emes. Engaged at 12, and married at 13 years, he traveled to Salant at the age of 14 to learn with Rav Tzvi Hirsh Braude, where Rav Yisrael Salanter was a maggid shiur teaching talmidim Seder Nezikin. Beginning at the age of 17, he served as Rav in many towns. In 1866, he became Rav of the city of Rassein, a position he held for forty years until his petirah. Shailos were sent to him from throughout the Jewish world. At the time of his petirah it was reported that a collection of teshuvos was ready to be printed, but for unknown reasons this never materialized. The only teshuvos that have come down to us are those that were printed in others’ seforim, as well as those that appeared in the many Torah journals of the time: Hatvunah, Yagdil Torah, Torah Mitzion, K’vod Halevanon, etc. In more recent times, a number of his teshuvos was collected and published by Rav Pinchas Lipschutz (editor of Yated Ne’eman) in a sefer entitled Ikvei Brachah
Rav Shalom (ben Yechezkel Shraga) Goldstein (1923-1984). Born in Romania, his father immigrated to the U.S. and settled in Williamsburg when Reb Shalom was eight. The youth was a popular activist of Zeirei Agudas Yisrael, who did kiruv work with children from less religious homes. In 1944 Shalom married Leah Necha Scheiner of Pittsburgh, and a year later he moved to Detroit in 1945, where he remained to build Torah for the following 40 years.
Today in History – 10 Adar
·       Byzantine Emperor Justinian ordered the public reading of the Greek translation to the parshas hashavua on Shabbos and prohibited rabbonim from giving drashos on the sedra, 553.
·       Massacre of the Jews of Freiburg, Germany, 1349, in the Black Death riots.
·       The first complete Hebrew sefer (Torah with Rashi) was printed by Abraham ben Garton, in Reggio de Calabria, Italy, 1475. It was soon followed in Piovo di Sacco near Padua by a printing of the Arbah Turim of Rav Yaakov ben HaRosh.
·       Jews of the Austrian Empire were granted equal civil and political rights, 1849.
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