NYC Mayor DeBlasio blasted the NYC Police Unions on Tuesday – even going so far as calling one of them “racist”. DeBlasio made the explosive comment in response one of New York City’s police unions said officers were “intentionally poisoned” and another warned cops couldn’t even have a meal without “coming under attack” after officers were sickened by a toxic substance in milkshakes from a Shake Shack – which later turned out to be no criminality involved. Mayor Bill de Blasio slammed the unions over what they’d said. “I would think the unions would trust the NYPD to find the truth, and I thank Chief Harrison for so rapidly getting the truth out. These union leaders don’t want the truth. They just want to sow division and we have to figure out what the limits are on their right to do that.” DeBlasio then went on to label the Sergeants Benevolent Association as “racist”. “The SBA leadership has engaged in racist activities so many times I can’t even count it and anyone who is tweeting in favor of Confederate monuments is supporting the structural racist history of this country, I’m just sick of it.” “What I’ve seen from the SBA in particular, and too often from the PBA (Police Benevolent Association), is efforts to divide us, to hold us back, to create all sorts of negativity to, to push back progress, to undermine efforts at unity, it’s there,” he said. YWN notes that the SBA recently shared information on his daughter’s arrest at a protest. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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