Rav Zorach Eideles of Prague (1755)
Rav Masoud Abuchatzeira, father of the Baba Sali (1835-1908). Born in Taflilat, Morocco, hesucceeded his father, the Abir Yaakov, as Rav of the city in 1880.
Rav Yehuda Tzvi Eichenstein of Dolima (1909)
Today in History – 12 Iyar
· Roman legions under Titus breached the middle wall of Yerushalayim. A counter-attack by the Jews restored the wall to their command, 70 CE.
· Tel Aviv was ravaged by Arabs and Djemal Pasha announced that it was the intention of the Turkish government to purge Eretz Yisrael of its Jewish population, 1917.
· Israeladmitted as the 59th member of the UN, 1949, on the anniversary of Turkey’s declaration in 1917, of its intention to expel the entire Jewish population from Eretz Yisrael.
· In Chechnya, a female suicide bomber killed 18 people in an apparent to assassinate the Moscow-backed chief administrator, Akhmad Kadyrov, 2003. At least 145 people were injured. Kadyrov later became President of the Chechen Republic. An explosion in 2004 killed him along with perhaps a dozen others.
{Yahrtzeits licensed by Manny Saltiel-Anshe.org/Matzav.com Newscenter}
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