(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com) In light of the significant uptick in COVID-19 cases, four of Lakewoods Poskim issued a Kol Koreh as to how people should act exactly during the impending Yomim Tovim. It was signed by Rabbi Yaakov Forcheimer, Rabbi Uri Deutsch, Rabbi Chaim Meir Roth, Rabbi Henoch Shachar and Rabbi Ayreh Sharbenter. In their ruling the Poskim reiterated the absolute imperative to make sure that Simchas Torah not be a source of further spread. They emphasized the obligation of the hour to express love and honor of Torah in a different way this year. They called for toned down Hakafos, no close contact, and shorter hakafos – preferably not longer than 5 minutes. All those who participate in Hakafos should wear masks. Women and children should wear masks as well. For kol hane’arim, chassan Torah and Chassan bereishis there should be no crowding A kiddush can only be held if it is short and not a social event. For hakafos they should be widely spread and preferably just one. The Rabbis of shuls were encouraged to explore adding a learning seder and enhance kavod haTorah in that manner. The author can be reached at yairhoffman2@gmail.com
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