President Trump and Democrat Joe Biden are in a near tie in Rasmussen Reports’ final White House Watch survey before Election Day. The latest national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows Biden edging the president 48% to 47%. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are still undecided. On the Monday before Election Day in 2016, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton held a 45% to 43% lead over Trump in Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch. While Trump won the presidency in the Electoral College, Clinton ultimately picked up two percent more of the overall popular vote. JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be added to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (Source: Rasmussen Polls)
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