Ask anyone about their frustrations with their current healthcare program, and you’ll likely hear “it’s limiting” among their top grievances. When it comes to choosing a provider, no one wants to be told who they can turn to for care and who is off the table. And for good reason – healthcare is, and should be, a personal journey. Being limited to in-network providers is incredibly frustrating when patients feel that they cannot connect with the doctor or the clinician that they feel most comfortable with.   That’s why United Refuah HealthShare respects every member’s choice of providers. United Refuah is not limited to any provider contract and members are free to use any provider who can accept self-pay patients.

An estimated 400 Bochrim from Yeshivos affiliated with the Peleg Yerushalmi were protesting in Yerushalayim on Sunday afternoon. They are protesting the arrest and incarceration of a Yeshiva Bochur named Gamliel Mahadani, who was arrested for failing to register for the IDF draft. The boys father, HaRav Nadav Mahadani, the Rov of the Ethiopian community in Ohr Yehuda, told Kol Berama in an interview that his son has never left Yeshiva, and surprisingly, there was never any letters or summonses (Tzav Giyus) sent to his son telling to come to the draft office. “They came in the middle of the night to our home and arrested him”. As of 6:00PM in Israel, the protests had moved locations to the Chords Bridge, and traffic was gridlock all around the area due to the protests.

A search is underway for a 24-year-old Israeli hiker who went missing on Sunday after being swept away in the Wanganui River in New Zealand. Local rescue forces are working to locate him with the help of boats and a helicopter. The Israeli Consul in New Zealand and the Department of Israelis Abroad in the Consular Division of the Foreign Ministry rre working with local authorities to locate the man. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post Israeli Hiker Missing In New Zealand After Being Swept Up By River appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

A new viral illness being watched with a wary eye around the globe accelerated its spread in China on Sunday with 56 deaths so far, while the U.S. Consulate in the city at the epicenter announced it will evacuate its personnel and some private citizens aboard a charter flight.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday he hopes to “make history” during his upcoming trip to the White House for the expected unveiling of President Donald Trump’s Mideast peace plan. Addressing his Cabinet shortly before departing for Washington, Netanyahu described the current environment, characterized by close ties with Trump, as a once in a lifetime opportunity for Israel that “we must not miss.” Trump’s plan is expected to be extremely favorable to Israel. “We are in the midst of very dramatic political events, but the peak is still ahead,” he said. “For three years I have discussed with President Trump and his team our security and national needs — dozens of discussions and hundreds of hours.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will fly to Poland to attend the 75th anniversary commemoration of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, he announced Saturday. Cuomo, a Democrat, will join leaders from around the world at Monday’s ceremony marking the anniversary of the Jan. 27, 1945 liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops.

Arabs rioted next to the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday night following the disappearance of an Arab boy from the nearby neighborhood of Beit Chaninah. Eight-year-old Qais Abu Ramila was sent by his mother to the grocery store about 4 p.m. on Friday and never returned. Later that night, police began searching near a deep pool of rainwater which had formed in the neighborhood after search dogs picked up the boy’s scent nearby. The police also asked the neighborhood residents to assist in the search which extended throughout the night. As police officers explored all possibilities for the boy’s disappearance, some of the boy’s relatives claimed that security camera footage showed the boy being forcibly taken away by an unknown man.

Israeli aircraft struck several terror locations in Gaza on Motzei Shabbos in response to incendiary balloons launched from the Palestinian enclave. The Israeli military said the sites belonged to Hamas, and included weapons manufacturing and intelligence-gathering facilities. There were no reports of injuries from the airstrikes in southern Gaza Strip. Blaming Hamas, the military said it considers “any kind of terror activity with great severity and will continue operating as necessary against attempts to harm its civilians.” Palestinian terror groups resumed launching flammable balloons on Israel recently and Hamas said it’s encouraging the shootings, charging Israel of not honoring an unofficial truce meant to improve their economy.

Baltimore Police need help identifying two suspects wanted in connection to several robberies that occurred in the northwest district Friday. Police say, around 7 p.m., two suspects entered the Khal Chassidim Shul on Park Heights Avenue, pointed a gun at a man and attempted to rob him. After a struggle between the victim and suspect, the two suspects fled the building. Police are also investigating two other robberies that occurred in the same area, one on Clover Road and the other on Park Heights near Glen Avenue. Police believe the same two suspects are responsible for all three robberies. Baltimore City Police have increased patrols in the community and are asking people to report any suspicious activity. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Emergency Fund Launched to Rebuild Desperately-Needed Building It was a structure that represented dreams and aspirations. The dreams of its founders and the aspirations of its young students. Bnos Devorah Raizel Elementary School had long grown out of its temporary facilities on Reb Chiya Way on the campus of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of Fallsburg when golden shovels pierced the parched ground of an overgrown lot in Fallsburg, NY, at the groundbreaking of its brand new school building two years ago. Located on Laurel Park Road, across the street from the school’s current trailers and bungalows, the building was going to house the almost 200 students of Bnos Devorah Raizel comfortably, with room for further growth.
