Are you or someone you know in need of a zchus for their bashert? The Ohel Sarala Initiative was born just over 4 years ago, at the recommendation of Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman ZT”L. Over the last few years, Ohel Sarala has been part of over 204 babies and 766 shiduchim. Join the initiative today and Rav Chaim Kanievsky will […]

 Enough Of Your Boycott of Over A Million Kippah Wearers, They’re Our Brothers!”Likud MK and former Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat spoke at a conference on Wednesday and condemned Blue and White leader Yair Lapid for his attacks on the religious and Chareidi communities.

REPEAT OF HISTORY? Netahyahu Whisked Offstage As Red Alert Siren Sounds During Campaign SpeechFor the second time in recent history, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was whisked off the stage by his security team after a Red Alert siren sounded during a campaign event.

“It Shocked The Country” – Netanyahu Sends Condolence Letter To Weiss AlmanahA week after the heart-rending double tragedy that befell the Weiss family in Bnei Brak, when R’ Itzik Weiss, z’l, passed away suddenly as he was sitting shiva for his baby son, Netanyahu wrote a letter to the grieving almanah, Ruti, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

 Join Councilman Chaim Deutsch in saying NO To Bail & Discovery Reform!Dear Friends,
With the holiday season upon us, I want to wish each and every one of you a joyful and wonderful time with your family and friends.
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Shas Preparing to Oust Jerusalem’s Ashkenazi Chief RabbiThere is disagreement in Jerusalem as to possibly extending the term of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita, as he reaches retirement age before election for the 23rd Knesset on March 2, 2019.
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Jews Attacked Inside Teaneck Kosher Bagel StoreTeaneck Police are investigating a disturbing incident where Jews were attacked.
Sources tell YWN that a black individual walked into Sammy’s Bagels located at 1439 Queen Anne Rd, on Wednesday morning, and began screaming about how Jews killed his god, and then began punching people at random.
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Watch! Dovid Lowy Releases New Song and Video- SHIRU

Just in Time For Chanuka, Shiru is all about singing praises to our Creator and being thankful for the miracles of every day life despite our challenges.
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 Hasidic Man Assaulted On 13 Ave In Boro ParkThe anti-Semitic attacks in New York City just won’t stop. Since Chanukah began, YWN has reported three disturbing incidents.
The latest attack happened early Wednesday morning.
Boro Park Shomrim tell YWN that it happened at around 1:00AM on 13th Ave near 48th Street.

 Child Run Over By Bus, Suffers ScratchesThe attached video will make your heart stop, and is nothing short of a Chanukah miracle.
This happened on Wednesday morning in Monsey near Horton Drive and Bates Drive.
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