Jewish children, friends, visited a shopping center in Paris France, and on the steps, a boy pulled out a ring, placed it on a finger of a girl and recited the required words. Read more on Yeshiva World News
For months, asylum seekers have been prohibited from filing their claims at U.S. border crossings under a much-criticized Trump administration policy. Now some are sprinting down vehicle lanes or renting cars to try to make it inside the U.S. Read more on Yeshiva World News
A Wisconsin high school resource officer shot a 16-year-old student Tuesday after the boy stabbed him in his office, marking the second time in as many days that a school resource officer has been involved in a student shooting in the state. Read more on Yeshiva World News
President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he expected an upcoming watchdog report to be “devastating” on the origins of the Russia investigation that dogged his presidency for nearly two years, but also suggested Americans should really be more interested in the findings of a federal prosecutor appointed to do a similar probe.
Two weeks ago, two yeshiva bochurim from Yeshivas Orchos HaTorah, together with their mashgiach, HaRav Chizkiyahu Mishkovsky, went to the home of Hagoan HaRav Chaim Kanievsky to request a bracha for a shidduch.
Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., sued CNN for defamation on Tuesday, accusing the cable network of publishing a “demonstrably false hit piece” about him amid his high-profile opposition to the Trump impeachment inquiry. Read more on Yeshiva World News
The Palestinian Authority will go to all lengths to deny the Jewish claims to their homeland and portray Israelis as occupiers, even recruiting experts to spout lies on television, denying any evidence of a Jewish presence in Israel before 1948, a Jerusalem Post report said on Sunday.
Following the announcement last week about a newly discovered Beis Din ledger from Bergen-Belsen documenting the heterim granted to agunim and agunos after the Holocaust, the Organization of Begen-Belsen Survivors in Israel filed a petition against the ledger’s sale in a Tel Aviv court.
A federal prosecutor said he plans to ask for at least a year in prison for California Rep. Duncan Hunter pleaded guilty Tuesday to misusing $150,000 in campaign funds for his own personal expenses. Read more on Yeshiva World News
The term of current State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan ends on December 15th and Justice Minister Amir Ohana announced that he is appointing an interim state prosecutor.
If Israel wasn’t in a transitional period of multiple elections and caretaker governments, a special committee would already have been hard at work to replace Nitzan.
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