R’ Aharon Aronson of Amsterdam, Who Restored Torah There After The Holocaust, Niftar At 100Rav Aharon Aronson, an elder of the Torah community in Holland, passed away at the age of 100 on the first night of Rosh Hashanah.
R’ Aronson was born and grew up in the Netherlands.

Google Rolls Out Updated Privacy Tools For YouTube, MapsGoogle is rolling out more tools for users to control their privacy settings.
The company and other tech giants are facing increased scrutiny over the amount of data they collect from their users.
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Arab Teenager With Knife Tries To Enter Me’aras Hamachpeila On Rosh HashanaA 15-year old Arab teenager from Chevron was caught by Border Police trying to enter Me’aras Hamachpeila with a knife on Tuesday, the second day of Rosh Hashanah, according to a report by Kol Chai.

MAZEL TOV! Shaare Zedek Hospital Delivers 92 Babies Over Rosh Hashanah92 children came into the world over Rosh Hashanah in Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Hospitals. 64 were born in Shaare Zedek and an additional 28 babies were born in the hospital’s affiliate in the center of town, Bikur Cholim Hospital.
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 9 Dead, Hundreds WoundedAt least seven people were killed and dozens were wounded in clashes that spread across several Iraqi provinces on Wednesday as security forces fired live ammunition and tear gas for the second day to disperse anti-government protesters demanding jobs, improved services and an end to corruption.
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Dallas Cop Gets 10 Years In Prison For Killing Her NeighborA white Dallas police officer was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison for killing her black neighbor in his apartment, which she said she mistook for her own unit one floor below.
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Air Force Test-Launches Intercontinental Ballistic MissileThe U.S. Air Force has tested an unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile with a launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
The missile lifted off at 1:13 a.m.
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Northern District Police Crack Down on Illegal Weapons & TraffickersPolice in Israel’s Northern District are constantly involved in maintaining the law, including the removal of illegal weapons from the streets. This includes weapons intended for acts of terrorism or criminal activity.
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 Gedolei Yisrael Open Their Homes For Dirshu Siyum And Commencement Of Chelek Hei Of Mishnah BerurahJust days before Rosh Hashanah, Gedolei Yisrael from Eretz Yisroel and America opened their homes for special siyumim with Daf HaYomi B’Halacha maggidei shiur as they completed Hilchos Eiruven in Chelek Daled and embarked on Hilchos Pesach in Chelek Hei.

 Phishing SMS Received by Many Over Rosh HashanahMany Israeli residents received an SMS message during Rosh Hashanah informing them their cellular package was about to expire, requesting the recipient clicks on the URL link to renew the package for only NIS 2.50 a month by following the instructions.
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